In-Person Phlebotomy Training and Certification

Our In-Person phlebotomy technician program prepares graduates for entry-level positions as phlebotomist in hospitals, clinics, laboratory service centers and physicians offices. Our approved continuing education/workshop includes 7 weeks of lecture and practical experience. Upon successful completion of the program, our students will have met all requirements to become a Certified Phlebotomist after the completion of the National Written Exam. Now Enrolling for Phlebotomy Certification and Phlebotomist Continuing Education Classes. Care Health establishes a professional standard and code of ethics for health care specialists in performing Phlebotomy. Care Health  provides Phlebotomy Certification nationwide. At the end of this 7 week course you will leave competent and feeling confident. Course tuition also includes National Certification Exam and pdf version books and materials. Register Today!! Financing Available via Affirm.