In-Person Phlebotomy Training and Certification

Now Enrolling for Phlebotomy Certification and Phlebotomist Continuing Education Classes. Care Health establishes a professional standard and code of ethics for health care specialists in performing Phlebotomy. In as little as 7 weeks our students leave with a Phlebotomy Certification through NHA and are ready to start their new career. Financing available via Affirm.

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Renew Your Current or Expired CPT Certification. If you have the experience but never been certified you can get certified through Care Health Training. Manage Your Credentials. Provide Proof of Certification to Employers. Instant Registry Verification! Study Materials. Practice Exams. All for $300.00

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In-Person BLS/CPR Training

We offer BLS/CPR training for Health Care Professionals. If you are already or have been one of our students you will get a discounted rate. Certification is through American Heart Association. Please call for upcoming classes.

Blood Borne Pathogens Certificate

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Needlesticks and other sharps-related injuries may expose workers to bloodborne pathogens.Blood borne pathogen education is needed in any field not just health care. Workers in many occupations, including first responders, housekeeping personnel in some industries, nurses and other healthcare personnel, all may be at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Body Contouring Certificate

Learn how to contour the body from an experienced Nurse Practitioner who has been in the business for years. Class will teach non-invasive techniques including wood therapy, lipocavitation, radiofrequency and cupping methods. This class is a combination of online and hands on training. Get a certificate and learn how to become an entrepreneur or learn to do it for yourself. Inquire for more information on class dates and training.

EKG Training

Enhance your medical skills with EKG Training, perfect for healthcare professionals and students.

Patient Care Technician Training

Patient care technicians assist with medical procedures, including taking blood pressure, changing dressings, collecting specimens, performing phlebotomy, ekg, Foley catheter insertion and more.


Online program as well as hands on training, pdf books, exam fees, student support, job placement assistance, and more are all included in program cost. Full program cost is $900.00


BLS/CPR for Health Care Professionals New Card or Expired Cards-$90.00 BLS/CPR Renewal with Un-expired cards $75.00 Classes are scheduled as well as on-demand Call today for upcoming classes and urgent classes.

Blood Borne Pathogens

Online blood borne pathogens certification is $30 and free for my previous or current students. Please call for class schedule

EKG Technician

Become proficient in performing EKGs with our comprehensive EKG training program. This is a 4 week training. Includes training modules, practice exams and certification exam. Tuition $500.00

Patient Care Technician

Must be a certified CNA to take this course. Includes online study modules, practice exams, certification exam and hands on training. This is a 11 week course. Price is $1500. Payment arrangements accepted.